LAGS - 28.07.2023
Opens the first edition of THE Bolivia LAGS BATTLE which will be held on August 27, 2023 in La Paz, in the largest city and will see the Bolivian latte art champions compete on the green levels to win the victory and represent their nation at the world final in Milan, Host in October 2023.
An event promoted and organized by the Lags Certification Point Bolivia and Cafibol and with the coordination of the examiner and manager of the Lags Certification Point of Perù Ignazio Trovato.
The championship will be held in the EQUIPEXITOS Showroom – Av. Armentia Esquina Laja #759, La Paz, Bolivia, in collaboration with EQUIPEXITOS, DELIZIA, CAFIVIA, SAGITARIO
It will be a day dedicated to professionalism and fun where the green leveles of Latte Art Grading System circuit will challenge on the patterns of latte art!!!
The Bolivian latte artists of the LAGS system will compete in a grandiose arena for a Battle dedicated exclusively to the world of Latte Art!!